Lego MOC - 鹿苑寺[金閣寺] Kinkaku-ji

Kinkaku-ji (金閣寺, Temple of the Golden Pavilion), also known as Rokuon-ji (鹿苑寺, Deer Garden Temple), is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan.The garden complex is an excellent example of Muromachi period garden design. It is designated as a National Special Historic Site and a National Special Landscape, and it is one of 17 World Cultural Heritage sites in Kyoto. It is also one of the most popular buildings in Japan, attracting a large number of visitors annually.

資料來自於 wiki
The Golden Pavilion (金閣, kinkaku) is a three-story building on the grounds of the Rokuon-ji temple complex.The top two stories of the pavilion are covered with pure gold leaf. The pavilion functions as a shariden, housing relics of the Buddha (Buddha's Ashes). The building was an important model for Ginkaku-ji (Silver Pavilion Temple), and Sh?koku-ji, which are also located in Kyoto. When these buildings were constructed, Ashikaga Yoshimasa employed the styles used at Kinkaku-ji and even borrowed the names of its second and third floors.
Each floor of the Kinkaku uses a different architectural style. The first floor, called The Chamber of Dharma Waters, is rendered in shinden-zukuri style, reminiscent of the residential style of the 11th century Heian imperial aristocracy. The second floor, called The Tower of Sound Waves, is built in the style of warrior aristocrats, or buke-zukuri. The third floor is built in traditional Chinese cha'an style, also known as zenshu-butsuden-zukuri. The building is topped with a bronze phoenix ornament.
The Golden Pavilion is set in a magnificent Japanese strolling garden (回遊式庭園, kaiyuushiki teien).The pavilion extends over a pond, called Kyoko-chi (鏡湖池, Mirror Pond), that reflects the building. A small fishing deck (釣殿, tsuridono) is attached to the rear of the pavilion building, allowing a small boat to be moored under it. The kinkaku-ji grounds were built according to descriptions of the Western Paradise of the Buddha Amida, intending to illustrate a harmony between heaven and earth. The largest islet in the pond represents the Japanese islands. The four stones forming a straight line in the pond near the pavilion are intended to represent sailboats anchored at night, bound for the Isle of Eternal Life in Chinese mythology.
Wiki information Reference :
It is the full real map of Kinkaku-ji. But I built the main golden pavilion only

這是我其中一個展出於的 BrickAdventure 2011 的作品。用了接近 4000~5000 塊
事實上Lego金閣寺早於被 Lego-Land 及著名樂高大師直江和由先生
( ) 創作過了,小弟步於其後,當然一定是
比起直江大師及Lego公司的遜色好多好多,但也儘量發揮以配合 BA2011 日本城的
MOC Creator Comment:
It is one of my MOC and show in Brick Adventure 2011. It used out 4000~5000 pieces lego to build the Golden Pavilion. I made it within 4~5 months and spent lot of time to collect the bricks and items. It looks like as mixed of Japan and traditional Chinese architecture style and used the color pattern with the yellow,black,brown,white color. Actually, we can find the first Lego architecture of Kinkaku-ji which is created by Lego-Land and Mr. Kaznao ( My MOC must be the worst one but I will try my best at cooperating with BA 2011 Japan City.
This photo is edited by my photoshop skill but I like this very much. It made the brilliant of the Pavilion.

The front view, the Golden Pavilion is set in a magnificent Japanese strolling garden (回遊式庭園, kaiyuushiki teien).The pavilion extends over a pond, called Kyoko-chi (鏡湖池, Mirror Pond), that reflects the building.

It is smart for the photo if it is captured in other corner view。

The back view, do you find some special thee?

To enhance the picture, I would like to add more stones, sea base, red flowers, trees. It seems it becomes to the Autumu of Kinkaku-ji.

The bird-view, you can find the Kyoko-chi, small pavilion Tsuridono, Ashihara Island and the main Golden Pavilion.

It is me, I drive the boat with my wife and take the photo for Golden Pavilion.

旁邊的釣殿 Tsuridono, 是當時用於釣魚作樂,也容許小船泊近。
A small fishing deck tsuridono is attached to the rear of the pavilion building, allowing a small boat to be moored under it.

The first floor, called The Chamber of Dharma Waters, is rendered in shinden-zukuri style.

The second floor, called The Tower of Sound Waves, is built in the style of warrior aristocrats, or buke-zukuri. And I created one special Japanese girl minifig in this floor.

The third floor is built in traditional Chinese cha'an style. The third floor is built in traditional Chinese cha'an style, also known as zenshu-butsuden-zukuri.

The building is topped with a bronze phoenix ornament.

可以拆散為五件modular (一樓/二樓/三樓/簷/頂部),方便運送收藏。
It built as modular design MOC, It can separate to 5 individual parts.

No more special interior design is provided but I will keep the stairs at least.

The pond contains islands of various sizes upon which can be found a variety of rare rocks and formations, including the Hatakeyama Rocks. And the Ashihara Island in the pond represents the Japanese islands。

看! 有一個 8803人偶 武士在葦原島休乘著呢~
In the Ashihara Island, the 8803 minifig Samurai is taking the rest.

The fishman is enjoying his morning.

It is my another Japanese girl which is located in the Pavilion. I like this Japan-style saloon pciture.

It is the entry of the Golden Pavilion. But it is virtual in the real world.

竟然是虛構,那麼加上 TF2兄,大使兄的火車及王子兄的大型火車站吧! Ichiban !
If it is the lego world , we can try connect to other creator's MOC to establish the BIG BIG world.
Thanks for other BA member TF2, AndyBear,WilliamWong.

多謝觀看,介紹文章長篇大論希望不會令你納悶 ^0^
Thank you for your visiting~
Special thanks for BA team member William Wong's photography.
Special thanks for HAGGER , he help me for the reference.
My photo linking :