Alanboar Creation


Lego MOC - Mr Bean 's Car 戇豆先生

Hi , I like "Mr. Bean" movie. It is very funny and I like his mini car. That's way I want to create it. I used basic lime plate and brick to complete the mini.

I try DIY minifig for Mr. Bean. But it is not easy and it is not quite good for my version.

Here is the information of Mr. Bean's Car from wiki :

* Mr. Bean's car, a British Leyland Mini 1000, developed a character of sorts over the series and was central to several antics, such as Mr. Bean getting dressed in it, driving while sitting in an armchair strapped to the roof or attempting to avoid a parking garage toll by driving out through the entrance. *

And I added the chair and the wood stick to demonstrating a famous scene from the Mr. Bean episode "Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean" on a Mini.

Hope you like it ~~ XD

It is joined into cuusoo :

十分喜歡戇豆先生,大半年前貪玩情況便著手砌了車子。到近期出了 Cuusoo,便拿起心肝,改好戇豆車及做了一個戇豆先生 minifig,放上後,才知很辛苦的,當是一個試玩吧 XD ,大家如果看後喜歡的,也來 Support Mr Bean

這一幕是參考 "Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean" 的劇情,圖中所見 Mr Bean 拿著自製的掃帚摃捍及繩子,坐在車頂上便可以控制車子了。為什麼要這要,因為太多行李,戇豆先生要佳車頂豪華位囉~

這圖片大家似曾相識吧 ? 我應該模擬不錯吧 XD

為了十全十美,除了戇豆先生 minifig,也想做多一只戇豆愛玩的熊仔 Teddy Bear 。試過 Series 6 的病人 熊仔,但改裝效果差。最後特意從外圖訂了這只純啡色的舊式熊仔,價錢很貴,但效果出來很像呵~

還有一幕,大家還記得戇豆先生做火雞菜嗎 ?最後弄到火雞套在頭上,笑到流眼水了...

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