Alanboar Creation


Lego Minifig MOC -  Green Lantern 綠燈俠

MOC Author: AlanBoar 豬公

見近期開始興起 Hero 系列,今次介紹的是綠燈俠,Torso 設計連制作都是自己一手包辦∼

綠燈俠 (Green Lantern) 是一個虛構角色,在DC漫畫世界入面的一班美國漫畫超級英雄

每位綠光戰警都會有一個 能量戒指(Power Ring) 與幫其充電用的 能量提燈(power lantern),只要使用者擁有足夠的意志力與精力,就可以根據想像將戒指中的能量變成實物、操控現實世界中的物體。當戒指的能量用完時,戴上戒指並將手伸入能量提燈中即可補充能量。

Green Lantern is the name of several fictional superheroes that appear in comic books published by DC Comics.

All of the Green Lanterns since then have worn rings that were not magic, but advanced technology. The Guardians of the Universe created the power rings and granted them to worthy candidates throughout the galaxy. These individuals make up the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force.

自己也出一個珍藏系列 !
My Own DC minifigs creatrion!!

應同好要求,公開了Torso 設計,真是好多場捧場呀~
300dpi 1.5x1.2cm,簡單說 Print 出來便可以了。


謝謝觀賞 !! 下次再來∼
~ The END ~

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