Alanboar Creation


LEGO Taikoo Ropeway 太古百年吊車 「銅鑼飛棧 」


抄錄清光緒畫家吳友如的 《海國叢談》 畫中所描述香港最早的吊車,並命名為 「銅鑼飛棧」。 當我見到這清代畫作很感有趣,想以積木山水畫風格,來表達香港一百年前首部的吊車及座落的帕架山和大班豪宅。 感謝太太及兒子的支持,她們會幫忙拼砌大量樹木或其他裝飾來豐富作品。作品前後也用上了三星期去完成。

作品會代表人仔倉其中之一,參加在香港太古和HK LEGO Store所舉辦的展覽展出,展期為 2018年11月至12月尾

We built the model reference from the painting of Qing Dynasty's Wu You-ru. I have interesting to represent the Mount Paker and hundred years Hong Kong buildings (First Hong Kong Cable car - Taikoo Ropeway , Taikoo Sanitarium) in chinese landscape painting using the bricks. We completed the project within 3 weeks. I am great thankful for my family helping, my son and my wife built alots of decoration and trees.

Taikoo Ropeway [1891-1932] Hunderd years ago in Hong kong , when the ropeway (another name for 'cable-car') was running, Quarry Bay held the Taikoo Dockyard and Taikoo Sugar Refinery, while Quarry Gap was known as Sanitarium Gap, and was the site of the Taikoo Sanitarium.

P.S. It is one of the LEGO display model represent "" community in HK Taikoo Brick exhibition (Nov-Dec 2018) held by TaiKoo , HK LEGO Store.

Builder : Alanboar Cheung
Size : 1400cm (L) x 1100cm(W) x 60cm(H)
Pieces : 80000 pcs

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Creator : Alanboar

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