Alanboar Creation


LEGO The World of Martial Arts Novels 武俠小說世界

從小我就喜歡去圖書館看中國武俠小說,其中最喜歡金庸的小說。還記得學生時代在圖書館看過那些厚厚的武俠小說。回想起過去的圖書館時光,試著用LEGO搭建小說中的場景。作品中有《金庸》小說中出現的各種武林秘笈,看起來非常有趣。還有《神雕俠侶》的楊過和小龍女,改良的大雕,配上「東邪黃藥師」的玉簫,放在一起,武俠世界感覺便出來了。 樂高世界基於中國文化的創作少之又少,希望大家喜歡我有趣的創作,能夠更了解華人世界。

Since I was a child, I have loved going to the library to read Chinese martial arts novels, and Jin Yong's novels are my favorite. I still remember reading those thick martial arts novels in the library when I was a student. Remembering the library days of the past, try to use LEGO to build scenes from the novel.

The works include various martial arts secret books that appeared in "Jin Yong" novels, which look very interesting. There are also Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu from "The Romance of the Condor Heroes", an improved big eagle, and a Chinese style bamboo flute, put them together, then the martial arts world feeling comes out.

There are very few creations based on Chinese culture in the Lego world. I hope everyone likes my interesting creations and can learn more about the Chinese world.

Builder : Alanboar Cheung
Size : 25cm(L) x 25cm(W) x 38cm(H)
Pieces : 1500 pcs

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Creator : Alanboar

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Alan Studio © 2009 by Alan Cheung Hin Lun. All rights reserved.